Duration: 2 days
Region: West Macedonia, Mavrovo
Tour grade: Moderate
Biking season: June – September
Participants required: 4 – 14
All out tours are with flexible dates and a possibility for customization. The price depends of the tour and the number of people. Once there is a minimum number of participants for a tour it will be scheduled. You can also suggest your own tour and we will organize it for you on demand.
Contact us and book your place.

Skopje – Mavrovo – Skopje
This tour offers the possibility to explore the beauty of the national park Mavrovo, situated on the mountain Bistra. We will two authentic mountain villages in this Miak region, Lazaropole and Galicnik.
Lazaropole is accomodate at 1350 meters above the sea level, and is the second biggest village in this region. The village is well known for its authentic architecture, rich cultural and historical heritage. This is the only place where wild roses grow in Macedonia.
Galicnik is situated on the slopes of the mountain bistra at a hight of 1400 meters above the sea level. This village, as well is known by the authentic architecture of the houses, but also by the large pastures and local cheese.
Both villages are known in the history by the families of well trained wood carvers, painters and masons.
Mavrovo national park is recognized by the artificial Mavrovo lake and the flooded church in it. The mountain Bistra abounds with forests of more than 100 rare species of trees and herbs, grassland plains offering beautiful landscapes.
Day 1
Arrival in Mavrovo at 10 o’clock. We start the tour around the beautiful Mavrovo lake and afterwards we continue through forest road, which offers unforgettable views. In the afternoon we will arrive at the mountain village Lazaropole where we will stay at a hotel and where we can enjoy in the taste of the traditional macedonian cousine.
Length: 49 km ; Elevation: 1200 m
Technical skills: 3/5 ; Physical condition: 3/5
Day 2
Today we will visit the mountain village Galicnik. First the tour passes through interesting forest where we will pass through two other mountain villages and afterwards we will arrive in the village Galicnik. Here we will make a lunch break and than continue to Mavrovo.
Length: 40 km ; Elevation: 1000 m
Technical skills: 3/5 ; Physical condition: 3/5